Selected Resources

Selected Resources

selected resources


Free Teaching Resources to Support Continued Learning at Home. Welcome to the Shaped hub for free teaching resources, including activities, lessons, downloadables, and videos for K–12 students. Explore our lesson plan ideas across disciplines to help students continue learning and growing at grade level, whether your classroom is online, in person, or a combination of both.

Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government:  Divided by grade level, this is an excellent overview of the U.S. government, its branches, its people, its historical documents, and how it all works.

Club Girl Tech: This site is a great site the empowerment of girls.  It is about nurturing their interest in STEM. Here you will find activities that will nurture their interest in technology and engage their curiosity.  This site wants to convert technology users to technology creators and activists.

Cyberkids/Cyberteens: Are you a budding composer, writer or artist looking for a place to publish your masterpiece?  This site, created by Mountain Lake Software, Inc.  offers kids and teens the opportunity to submit their work online and also the chance to enter writing and art contests and chat with other teens.

Fact Monster Almanac:  This reference tool is great for all children to find information about the world, U.S., sports, people, life and science.  You can also find the latest news facts and what happened in history today.  A homework center is available. Give your brain a fun workout.  Use your math skills to score runs in math baseball or field goals in power football.  Need to fine tune your spelling?  Then check out the Spellaroo and the Spell Check games.  Think you know your way around the world?  “Where is that?” will test those brain cells.  These games and more will give your brain the workout it needs.  iCivics prepares young Americans to become knowledgeable, engaged 21st century citizens by creating free and innovative educational materials.  In 2009, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor founded iCivics to reverse Americans’ declining civic knowledge and participation. Securing our democracy, she realized, requires teaching the next generation to understand and respect our system of governance.  Check it out and have a little fun while you are at it!

50 States and Capitals:  Encyclopedia-style entries for each of the 50 U.S. states.  Look no further for state songs, flowers and trees, birds, maps (including outline maps), parks, licenses plates, motto and nicknames.  Entries also include climate, bordering states, county profiles, population and state representatives.

Science Fair Project Guide:  This site provides information about how to do a project, sample science fail projects and ideas for science fair projects.  Each site indicates appropriate grade levels.  This is a fairly comprehensive list of science fair project web sites.

How Stuff Works:  Millions of people have described HowStuffWorks content as reliable, accurate and entertaining.  Originally founded as a Web site for curious people, the award-winning company now offers clear and fascinating content through various media channels to millions of readers every month.  Recognized internationally as the leading provider of information on how things work, HowStuffWorks content explains the world from the inside out!”.

Khan Academy: is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit website that supplies a free online collection of more than 4,700 micro lectures via video tutorials stored on YouTube. They teach mathematics, math, science, economics and finance, and humanities. Step-by-step exercises are available to improve your skills and you can use the instant data about your performance to track your progress.