Check out the new list of Homeschooling Resources below
Nebraska Department of Education https://www.education.ne.gov/fos/exempt-schools/
Program Contacts:
– Beth Bolte: (402) 471-2795 or beth.bolte@nebraska.gov
– Micki Iverson: (402) 471-1894 or micki.iverson@nebraska.gov
Learn faster. Stay motivated. Study smarter: https://study.com/
Comprehensive Guide to Homeschool Organizations & Groups: https://study.com/resources/homeschool-organizations-and-groups#0482
How to Homeschool: 8 Methods for Your Classroom: https://study.com/resources/guide-to-homeschooling-methods#0482
10 Science Projects for Distance Learning and Homeschool Instructors: https://study.com/resources/at-home-science-projects#0482
Free Teaching Resources to Support Continued Learning at Home. Welcome to the Shaped hub for free teaching resources, including activities, lessons, downloadables, and videos for K–12 students. Explore our lesson plan ideas across disciplines to help students continue learning and growing at grade level, whether your classroom is online, in person, or a combination of both. https://www.hmhco.com/blog/free-learning-resources
100+ Indoor Activities for Kids That Don’t Involve Screens. Free downloadable sheet with over 100 activities to do indoors with your children. https://mycalcas.com/2020/04/100-indoor-activities-for-kids/
All Kids Network. Resources for parents, teachers, and anyone who works with children. We’ve got thousands of fun kids’ activities like kids’ crafts, worksheets, coloring pages, printable mazes, dot-to-dot, hidden pictures, and more. https://www.allkidsnetwork.com/
Carson Dellosa Online Resources. Get instant access to a wide variety of free educational resources for teachers, homeschool families, and parents. Ready to print, these free materials make it easy for you to download and use immediately! Choose from reading, language arts, math, social studies, science, and more! https://www.carsondellosa.com/free-resources/free-printables/
Crayola(Art) Are you looking for free entertainment for your kiddos? Check out the free printable coloring pages and free lesson plans from Crayola.com. This is a great free resource for families. https://www.crayola.com/featured/free-coloring-pages/?utm_source=cj_Krazy+Coupon+Lady&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=2017_evergreen_affiliate&utm_content=www.crayola.com&cjevent=00d9bab579d411ea82c2027b0a240611
Dole Fruit Activities: We know keeping kids entertained at home can be a challenge. Take a look at our free, printable activities geared toward helping kids have fun with fruits and vegetables. https://www.dole.com/at-home-resources#activities
Education.com (Core Curriculum). We are providing free access to some of our best resources to help facilitate at-home learning –and will continue to share new educational resources in the coming weeks. We’re here for you; thanks for being there for your children. (Pre-K through 12). https://www.education.com/worksheets/
Educational Insights (Core Curriculum). Our team of parents, teachers, and play experts have compiled all of our favorite at-home activities that kids can enjoy on their own or with their parents, from puzzles and coloring pages to math and reading worksheets. We are dedicated to providing resources that keep your kiddos learning and having FUN! (Pre-K through 4). https://www.educationalinsights.com/at-home-activities-for-kids
FUNBRAIN. Funbrain, created for kids in grades Pre-K through 8, offers hundreds of free interactive games, books, videos, and printables that help kids develop skills in math, reading, problem-solving, and literacy. Our new site makes it easier than ever to find what you’re looking for. We’ve created a unique landing page for each grade so kids can find the content that’s right for them. Each game, book, and video is tagged with key subject areas and skills, such as Addition, Fractions, Vowel Sounds, and Shapes. https://www.funbrain.com/
Homeschool Math.net. HomeschoolMath.net is a comprehensive math resource site for homeschooling parents, parents, and teachers that includes free math worksheets, lessons, online math game lists, ebooks, a curriculum guide, reviews, and more. The resources emphasize understanding concepts instead of mechanical memorization of rules. (Grades K –12). Worksheets: https://www.homeschoolmath.net/worksheets/ Games and Activities: https://www.homeschoolmath.net/online/
Jumpstart. An excellent resource for all parents as well as teachers, a worksheet is a great way for them to gauge how well kids know the subject. There are ready-made worksheets as well as ones that you can customize. This gives teachers and parents the flexibility to choose the kind of problems they want to include based on the kids’ age and level of skill. https://www.jumpstart.com/worksheets/
KidZone (Language Arts). KidZone’s printable preschool and kindergarten worksheets help younger kids learn their letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and other basic skills. KidZone’s printable grade school worksheets help older children learn phonics, reading, creative writing, math, geometry, science, and geography. https://www.kidzone.ws/kindergarten/index.htm
Learning Resources (Core Curriculum). Learning from home? We’ve got the essential advice and activities you need to bring the classroom home with you! Our team of expert parents and teachers is always hard at work to make sure you have the tools you need to keep your little ones building new skills and having fun along the way. (Toddlers to Grade 3+). https://www.learningresources.com/free-at-home-learning-essentials
Night Sky Activities for Kids and Families. Use a sky chart to find objects in the night sky. Make a planisphere to tour the night sky. Make a star clock. Night sky Bingo. https://idsw.darksky.org/activities/family/
Paper Trail Design –Free I Spy Printables. Choose one or choose all of our 12+ I spy game printables for a classroom activity, birthday party activity, boredom buster, rainy day activity, or just keep the kids busy during the bewitching hour, or just so you can have 5 minutes to hear yourself think. These fun games are great for holidays, road trips, or whatever you need. Make a book out of them and you’ve got a collection of activities to keep the kids busy without a screen. https://www.papertraildesign.com/i-spy-game-printables/https://www.papertraildesign.com/i-spy-game-printables/
Read Together Be Together (Reading). Downloadable activities featuring favorite picture book characters! https://www.readtogetherbetogether.com/printables
Scholastic Free Printables for All Ages. Explore free printables for all ages that cover subjects like reading, writing, math, and science. https://www.scholastic.com/parents/kids-activities-and-printables/activities-and-printables-guides/free-printables-for-all-ages.html
Fun Science Printables. Looking for homeschool science printables? From outer space note booking pages to atom lessons to animal reports, The Homeschool Scientist has you covered. https://thehomeschoolscientist.com/homeschool-science-printables/
Story Monsters. Story Monsters LLC is here to support students, parents, and educators through school closures and beyond. We believe learning can happen anywhere and at any time, which is why we have created Story Monsters at Home for authors and publishers to contribute their own free or next-to-free activities, book downloads, and more to help engage students and supplement distance learning plans. https://www.storymonsters.com/at-home
Worksheet Fun. Got kids in preschool, kindergarten, or first grade?Worksheet Fun has you covered! The site is filled with free printable worksheets that you can easily download. Topics include math, patterns, brainteasers and so much more. No login required just hit download to get started; Your kids will love it! https://www.worksheetfun.com/
Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government: http://bensguide.gpo.gov Divided by grade level, this is an excellent overview of the U.S. government, its branches, its people, its historical documents, and how it all works.
Fact Monster Almanac: http://www.factmonster.com This reference tool is great for all children to find information about the world, the U.S., sports, people, life, and science. You can also find the latest news facts and what happened in history today. A homework center is available.
Funbrain.com: http://www.funbrain.com Give your brain a fun workout. Use your math skills to score runs in math baseball or field goals in power football. Need to fine-tune your spelling? Then check out the Spellaroo and the Spell Check games. Think you know your way around the world? “Where is that?” will test those brain cells. These games and more will give your brain the workout it needs.
iCivics.org: https://www.icivics.org/ iCivics prepares young Americans to become knowledgeable, engaged 21st-century citizens by creating free and innovative educational materials. In 2009, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor founded iCivics to reverse Americans’ declining civic knowledge and participation. Securing our democracy, she realized, requires teaching the next generation to understand and respect our system of governance. Check it out and have a little fun while you are at it!
50 States and Capitals: http://www.50states.com Encyclopedia-style entries for each of the 50 U.S. states. Look no further for state songs, flowers and trees, birds, maps (including outline maps), parks, license plates, mottos, and nicknames. Entries also include climate, bordering states, county profiles, population, and state representatives.
How Stuff Works: http://www.howstuffworks.com Millions of people have described HowStuffWorks content as reliable, accurate, and entertaining. Originally founded as a Website for curious people, the award-winning company now offers clear and fascinating content through various media channels to millions of readers every month. Recognized internationally as the leading provider of information on how things work, HowStuffWorks content explains the world from the inside out!”.
Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/ is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit website that supplies a free online collection of more than 4,700 micro lectures via video tutorials stored on YouTube. They teach mathematics, math, science, economics and finance, and humanities. Step-by-step exercises are available to improve your skills and you can use the instant data about your performance to track your progress.