A2Z Homeschoolers Tools

We were planning on a fall A2Z Homeschool meeting. However, that will be placed on hold for awhile. Instead let us share some ideas. We have a homeschooling section on our webpage. This give you tons of ideas and resources. Here’s the link:

Be sure to check out any of the links for free printables, lesson plans, Nebraska Department of Education contact info and there is even a place with multiple resources for parents regarding homeschooling methods or websites for legal advice.
Our goal is to provide support for homeschooling parents or any parent who is helping their children learn and grow. Our hope is that in the future we will be able to have a group meet together to share ideas and inspiration. The library wants to help and be partner when we can.

Please email or phone the Valentine Public Library to let us know if you have any questions at 402-376-3160 or info@valentinelibrary.org.